First introduced in 2009, AngularJS has been a popular open-source front-end framework. IT has proven its mettle by offering optimum contribution to the developer community. Not only developers, but also multi-national businesses are turning to this framework to seek assistance for their future development. It has been widely recognized as a secure JavaScript framework that is build and managed by Google resources. Businesses regardless of their size and industry are availing of AngularJs development services to get an ideal application developed that meets their business requirements.
When you look back in time, you will find how the web was a place full of static pages. Back then, HTML ruled the digital sphere and was regarded as a perfect language to declare such static documents. And fast forward to today, web applications are much more dynamic than before. And in the current era, AngularJS is highly preferred structural framework enabling single page HTML for declaring dynamic views in web applications. Let us understand a little more about AngularJS.
What is AngularJS?
AngularJS is a framework that comes with a wide range of perks making it an ideal tool for revamping modern-day web applications. Not just that, but the fact that the technology is backed by a large community to assist the web developers makes it even better. Over the past decade, this framework has evolved drastically, and continues to evolve each day with new functionalities added to newer versions. Software engineers love the way this framework helps in building interactive and dynamic single applications with its compelling features including templating, two-way binding, modularization, restful API handling, dependency injection, and much more.
Also Read: Why Angularjs is a better choice for App Developers?

Perks of Using AngularJS
When you partner with an AngularJs development services company, you don’t need to rely on any third-party libraries to build dynamic applications. Not only this, but there are tons of other reasons why AngularJS is becoming a preferred choice among people and is becoming a widely used framework nowadays.
Let us check out the reasons one by one:
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Supported by Google–
As we mentioned earlier, AngularJS is built and managed by Google and this itself is a huge perk. Google’s long term support policy for this framework sheds light on Google’s plan to stick with the framework and further scale it up. Moreover, Google apps use this framework and further give the developers a golden opportunity to learn from certified professionals. - •
Well, this is basically a superscript of JavaScript that supports types. And further allows the users to catch errors and correct them before they can pose a threat. This language allows for improved navigation, refactoring, and auto completion services. It is possible to opt out of the inbuilt features if you need them. - •
Simple Architecture–
AngularJS consists of simpler design architecture which is the current trend and is easy to catch up for any developer. It further enhances the features to any extend and works extremely well even in the case of heavy web applications containing number of components and complex requirements. - •
Lesser Timeline–
As AngularJS is one of the latest technologies derived from HTML, it makes easy for the developers to code the entire application. Creating new web apps with AngularJS is super easy and quick. With a few attributes added to the HTML code, a simple app can be built in no time. - •
Security –
When it comes to application development, one of the biggest concerns for a business is data breach. And with AngularJS, one can use Restful APIs to interact with the servers makes the application securer and safer. This further protects the application from data thefts and ensures better security.

Using the latest technology for your business definitely makes sense and opting for a technology that makes application development easier and that shortens the timeline makes even more sense. And as AngularJS fits in the category of making application development easy and quick, it is gradually becoming a popular choice among businesses.
If you haven’t availed of the benefits of AngularJS yet, then it is high time for you to make the most out of this framework. And the Baniwal Infotech team will surely help you with this. To find out how our team can help you with your application development or to avail of our AngularJs application development services, visit our website. You can also drop your queries and requirements at info@baniwalinfotech.com and our experts will get back to you with customized solutions. For more details, get in touch with us today!