If you have searched for developer jobs online, you would be familiar with the fact that Nodejs developers are in top ten highly demanded jobs!
In 2018, as per Node source the Nodejs downloads increased by about 49%. With Paypal and Linkedin, Nodejs seems to have seen a real surge compared to other web development technologies.
Factors that make Nodejs more preferred in a NodeJS Web Development Services Company are as follows:
- Extensive use of Javascript – An additional programming language like that of Ruby, PHP or Python is generally needed apart from Javascript to formulate and develop a browser as well as server side application. However with Nodejs only Javascript alone is sufficient, no other programming language is needed. To add with Javascript usage there is far less scope of human error. Its easy to learn Node with far less time needed to have a good grasp over Node, with Javascript being the sole programming requisite.
- Scalable – With Nodejs, the applications can be scaled in both horizontal as well as vertical directions. It also enables adding of nodes to an existing system in horizontal or vertical method.
- Economic – Nodejs is widely regarded as a full stack Javascript that serves both client as well as server side applications. This means an ideal top notch NodeJS Web Development Services Company wouldn’t have to hire different developers for front and backend support, thus making Node an extremely cost saving and time saving programming tool.
- Performance and Speed – Did you know Nodejs can interpret a Javascript code with the help of Google’s V8 Javascript engine which in turn converts the code directly in to machine code? Thus the speed of executing the code is boosted by runtime environment as it supports the non-blocking I/O operations.
- Caching – The facility of caching single modules is offered by the open source runtime environment of Nodejs. With caching the pages load faster with swift response to the user as developers don’t need to re-execute the codes.
- Wide Node Community – With several benefits, Node is known to have a huge community of developers who contribute towards further enhancement of the programming language. These software experts from the best of NodeJS Web Development Services Company, well versed in Javascript are expected to add on more to Node in coming days.